Sunday, September 13, 2009

RJA #2a Possible Topics

A little-known part of Appalachian culture is a group of peoples who have been anthropologically categorized as a separate race called melungeons. They were categorized as such because of their genetic heritage; a combination of escaped slaves, Native Americans, and French immigrants isolated from the rest of the genetic tree over many years. I have always been interested in learning more about this dying race (because truly it is dying) but have never done extensive research into the subject. I grew up not far from these people, and heard people talk about it much of my adult life.
I would like to research the topic on the premise of proving if they should have their own race or not. How many years of isolation and in-breeding of sorts does it take to alter a group of people into a separate category? Is there a set population number or guideline for even proposing a new race of people? What characteristics prompted the study of these people in this light, and what physical characteristics separate them? Is it a lack of genetic diversity, or a culture, or both?

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