Sunday, September 20, 2009

RJA #3c: Research Question

1) Basic questions;

Who are the Melungeons?

What genetic background is a true Melungeon?
Where are they located?
How did they become a genetically separate race (such as Caucasian, African American, Native American, etc.)?
When or over what period of time did this happen?
Should they be considered a separate genetic race?
What is their phenotype?
Could this occur (or be happening) in today's modern age of travel?

2) Some of the goals I hope to achieve with this research paper include a compilation of information on the subject and a clarity of the Melungeons' background, including ancestral and genetic heritage, as well as a cultural clarity. Above all, I am already enjoying satisfying my own curiosity and learning needs.

3) I am writing not only for myself, but also for those hoping to find answers about the Melungeons, including Melungeons themselves. I have already discovered a prevalence of varied genetic disorders, and hopefully compiling these findings to further aid those seeking answers to something that could be ailing them. This seems to be already done in a couple of places so it may not be a pressing thing to include but still relevant to the topic. Education and a greater spread of awareness that tri-racial groups do exist are my main goals and the purpose for my choice of topic.

4) Final question- How did the Melungeons develop into a genetically recognizable race of peoples, and should they be classified as such?

1 comment:

  1. Well this is pretty interesting, I must say. Perhaps because I grew up over here in the Southwest, I certainly haven't heard of the Melungeons..but I do find this topic fascinating. It has a bit of a mysterious edge to it. =D

    I think that your topic is good, and your research skills are already quite up to par. The only suggestion that I have is to keep the 'arguement' aspect of this paper in the back of your mind. I'm assuming your arguement is 'should they be classified as such?' Some other questions that come to mind when I hear that is, 'Do they want to be classified as such?' 'Is there enough of a demand for this 'race' that it needs to be recognized as a race of it's own?' 'Are they tri-racial as you say, or 'mutts?' Perhaps you already plan to address these in your paper...

    Good job though...I look FWD to your research :)
